
RNWP React Native Template For WordPress Sites

RNWP React Native Template For WordPress Sites


Create Android and IOS Apps for your WordPress Website without Knowing How to Code

Do you have a WordPress website and you want to expand your presence by creating an app for both ios and android? 

Do you want your app to be a native app not just a webview?

Do you want to control the colors and what to be shown on your app without writing a code?

If this is the case, then RNWP would be your choice. RNWP is a React Native template built with Expo that gets the data from your WordPress website and show it on your app. You can build an ios app ipa file even if you don't have a MacBook which cannot be provided by most mobile app solutions.

Configure your App with RNWP plugin

RNWP is also equipped with a WordPress plugin where you can configure the variables to be fit for your app. You can control which post types or taxonomies to show, app colors, app screen names and texts, notification settings, ad settings, and many other configurations.  

Check out the plugin in the below link:

RNWP App template config

Are you using Woocommerce?

RNWP can be used to show off your products in case you are using Woocommerce. If the user wishes to buy a product, he can tap on a link to send him to the product webpage on your website where he can process his purchase.

Multilingual Website

If your website is multilingual, you can check the language url, write it in the plugin configuration and create an app for every specific language.

Try a Sample App

You can check out this app that is using the template:

N.B. Admob is not working because it is a simple app that doesn't adhere to Admob policies. However, the template is supporting Admob if you have a valid Admob key and if your app meets Admob requirements.


  1. Supports screens for any post type archive (posts, pages and custom post types) that are shown in WordPress REST API
  2. Supports screens for any taxonomy archive (categories, tags and custom taxonomies) that are shown in WordPress REST API
  3. Screens for every single post or page
  4. Supports searching through post type either online or offline
  5. You can choose which post type archive or taxonomy archive to be shown in the app
  6. You can choose if a certain single post or single category can be excluded from the app
  7. User can download the website content and view it offline (except for images or videos)
  8. User can save or bookmark the posts he likes. He can always access his saved posts in saved screen.
  9. Ads are supported through Admob, you will just need to enter your Admob keys.
  10. You can configure the color theme as you like.
  11. Dark theme option is supported, you can configure the dark theme colors as well.
  12. Scheduled notifications are supported. You can choose a custom message that appears to users after a certain period of time (you can control it as well) they opened your app.
  13. Push notifications are supported. However, they would need some Firebase configuration. App Supports Fusion Web App plugin to send notifications to app users from WordPress.
  14. You can choose a specific page to be your About page
  15. Supports a screen for your contact details and your social media platform links.
  16. Supporting (RTL) for languages written from right to left
  17. You can choose if your app's home page is posts archive or categories archive, you can also set the priority for which post type or taxonomy to be shown first
  18. Supports fetching posts or categories as long as user scrolls down through the screen (infinite scroll). You can control how much posts or categories to fetch each time.
  19. You can configure screen names and custom texts within the app through the WordPress plugin
  20. You can choose the number of characters to show in thumbnail from your post excerpt.
  21. You can choose whether to show featured image or not


  1. WordPress website should be enabling REST API, unless you or your web developer disable it. You can simply test if it is working or not by going to this link on your website: your-website,com/?rest_route=/wp/v2/posts (can also be pages or categories,...etc.)
  2. You should set up the programs as explained in this link: https://boostrand.com/how-to-s...
  3. If you don't have a highly efficient PC, you would need an android mobile to test the android app
  4. If you don't have a MacBook, you would need an iPhone to test the ios app
  5. To build your ios app (ipa file), you would need to have an Apple Developer account, Apple charges $99 per year for an account.
  6. To upload your app to App Store, you would need a MacBook for 1 hour, if you don't have a MacBook or you don't know someone who has one, you can either setup a virtual machine on your device or hire a Mac hosting service, Mac in Cloud pay as you go plan charges $30 for 30 hours.
  7. To distribute your app to Play Store, you would need a Google Developer account. Google charges $25 for a lifetime account.


Please read the RNWP Documentation for detailed instructions.

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